Translation. Page 14. Health service in America.
Medicine - is a system of the scientific knowledge and practical measures, which are jointed by the common aim to detect, treat and prevent from disease, maintenance of health and strengthening health and working ability of the population, the prolongation of life. Medicine is a complex of scientific disciplines that includes diagnosing, clinical examination, health service, consultation, mother and child care, prevention and etc. During the feverish period the patient has to confine to bed for some period that depends on age of the patient, presence of complications and the accompanied diseases. Measels is caracterized by sore throat, high tempreture, rash/eruption. Besides a patient has watering eyes. When a patient has a fever, they give him an injection of penicillin which is very effective against inflammation. As the cases of small pox come down, the risk of complications after the inoculation became higher and mass vaccination isn't necessary any more. The preparation "OPREN" - remedy for arthritis - was used in the may 1980. In a year's time the first evidence of side effects produced a number of cases led to death. During election period both belligerent parties promised to improve medical service, but they never went beyond the ineffective reforms. In 1966 during Johnson's presidency worked out by Kennedy's administration governmental programs for the needy and the old came into force. India is one of the countires where people still suffer from leprosy. Modern medicine have efficient means to fight this grave disease. Today it is decided to increase the attack on this dangerous disease. The government has worked out a plan of the elimination of the leprosy by the end of the year. It is expected to allocate 2,5 million rupies for these ends. Measels remains to be one of the most dangerous chil diseases in Africa, where the mortality from this disease is 400 times higher than in Europe. There is enough antimeasels vaccine, but the problem isthe slow rate of vaccination as highly qualified staff is necessary. The most efficient measure is a new method of vaccination by means of spraying which now is tested in the center of Child Health care in the London University. Health care in the USA is a sphere of private business. Medical care is chargeable for the overwhelming majority of people. Part of the fees is covered by insurance companies by taking money out of funds to which employees pay insurance premium during their working career. Microbacteriums - the cause of the tuberculosis- are transmitted by air when infected people is coughing, and it present in their phlegm. The contagmination can come from infected things, used by the suspectible/illed. In regions, where the effected cattle contagmination is gettable from diary products. Microbacterium can be present in the rooms which are wet, dark, poorly vitelated for several months. The possibility of getting tuberculosis depends on person's immunity, race, sex, age, social conditions. More oftener people socially disadepted such as with lower culture, migrants, HIV infected, convicts fall ill more often. Only fews have a natural immunity to tuberculosis. The majority of people infected with bacillus and acquire immunity against it. There are measures of specific vaccination - vaccination, special medicine for risk groups.Besides there are measures of social prevention. Reasonable nutrition, that includes vegetables, frutes, vitamins. Physical activity may be trivial, but trains more effectively defense of an organism. Quite often people take antibiotics for any soprt of ailment, and that is worst without following to the scheme of usage, dose and the necessary period of treatment. If one breaks course of antibiotic treatment by his own, patient is running the risk of acquiring drug addiction. There is no blood bleedings at the earlier stages. But in case of developing and distraction of lungs tissues can be not only blood expectorations, but also a heavy hemorrhage. During the tuberculosis treatment after all a doctor prescribes fluorografy, tests of phlegm for bacteria. Supplimentary methods are psybronchoscopy and tissues biopsy. Test allows to identify/detect not only the infected people but risk groups. Tuberculosis develops gradually, in waves, can stop at the stage of primary infection. But once it is there it can develop into a clinically pronounced tuberculosis in different organs. In most cases lungs are affected. But the disease can affect kidneys, bones, vertebral column, lymph node, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other organs. In a any population of bacteria there is a someamout of species resistant to this or that medicine. One shouldn't treat so light-mindedly a common flu. Its complications can be very grave. Unfortunately a part of tuberculosis runs wthout any simptoms, excluding ailment, fever, weakness, sweaty. The most common simptom is coughing. The new ointment developed taking in consideration the work of the first aid practice helps greatly against the backache. When Appendicitis acute abdomen is observed. At the neglected stage of ulcer, it is characterized by a sudden attack and internal hemorrhage. Abscess - suppurated swell. Aftercare includes an antibiotic treatment. He has been working in the garden so long that blisters appear on his hands. When a person applies for a job, he must submit birth certificate alongside with other documents. Sportsmen often suffer from strain, fracture and dislocation. Amnesia is partial or total loss of memory. When blood poisoning the amputation is prescribed. The general anesthesia is made during the operation. Cramps are involuntary massive contraction. Small children have an inborn vice - strabismus, which is curable. Diabetic can fall into a diabetic coma if he doesn't take insulin in time. One can be allergic to anything. Allergy is a perverted sensitivity of the cell receptors. Insomnia - disease of a century. Infarct is characterized by hard chest pains. Gallstones are removed surgically. During a fight h broke a few ribs. During a medical a nurse takes your pulse and pressure. Blood counts, his blood is tested for sugar level and detection of rhesus-factor are prescribed. In the 19th century it was popular to take waters at Baden-Baden, where the creams of society gathered. The patients receive treatment and halp in the turn of their entering in accident and emergency department. The patient has had an operation for the removal of gallstone. The hospital received a great number of patients with spinadromas. The nurse tightened the tourniquet to stop the bleeding. After the removal of the appendicitis there is a small scar A lack of vitamins may result in scurvy. Neuralgia develops in deferent ways. Ph factors of different blood types can be incompatible. The heart diseases are characterized by dyspnea, palpation and chest pains. French king Luis the 14 believed that he could cure the scrofula by a simple touch. Varicose veins are curable surgically. When jaundice develops amnesia is observed. When common cold - chill, high temperature, sore throat, muscle pains and dry coughing is observed. After flu complications can lead to meningitis. Lower blood pressure causes weakness, vertigo and sometimes faint. The patient suffers by bouts of depression and mental instability. Patient's phobias developed into persecution mania. The child has had an operation for the removal of hernia. Low-quality food can lead to indigestion and diarrhea. Diabitis mellitus may be accompanied by cataract and glaucoma. When appendicitis isn't removed in time peritonitis develops. Migraine is a sign of neurosis. Patient's physical condition depends on treatment and care after him. Ingrownig toenail can cause a lot of difficulties. Pleurosy is the illness of lungs, characterized by the accumulation of pus in pleura. One of the main symptoms of malaria is chill attack. Hemophilia is a man's disease, but carrier is a woman. When conjunctivitis eyes redden because of burst vessels. Manic condition is characterized by mood swings. Besides the patient can experience hallucinations. Psoriasis is tetter, when patient's skin changes color and scale off. Abscess erapted. One can enjoy robust health, but if one has a flat feet he won't be drafted. On the neglected stage of the flat feet there are pains in feet, laps, hips, knee-joint and hip-joint. Corns appeare, weight develops irregulary. In some cases it happens that nails are ingrown and causes inflammation. Flat feet can be the sign of childish rachitis, plio, and other neurodiseases, that cauuses paralysis of crus and foot muscles.
1. The parliament session called specially for the quickest consideration of the laws submitted by the lower chamber which form the basis the government anticrisis measures ended with conciliation of the representatives of two branches of power: the legislative and the executive. 2. Despite the remarks made to several provisions of these bills all of them were approved by the upper chamber by overwhelming majority. It gave the ground to the Prime Minister and Minister of finance to thank the senators for the constructive cooperation and to underline once again that the measures taken to stabilize the economy are the fruit of the joint efforts of the Cabinet of ministers and the regional elite. 3. The excellent results of the legislative activity allowed the Prime Minister and the Speaker to meet journalists. The Prime Minister declared that "great work has been done" in a very short time "that government hasn't known before", but at the same time he was sorry that not all of the laws drafts had been adopted. For instance parliamentarians didn't agree to the extension of the income tax base from individuals with the indecise of the land tax rate, as a result of it the budget would undeceive dozens of billion. 4. The Prime Minister intends to compensate the financial losses with the help of government acts and presidential enactments, but here the opportunities of the legislation are rather limited, as according to the decision of the Constitution Court legally set taxes are only those, which are introduced on the basis of the Federal Law. 5. The Constitution Court arrived at a decision according to which the government doesn't have the right to decrease stated by the law expenses of the federal budget on financing of the judicial system. 6. A storm of indignation was aroused by the recommendations of the government and the Pension Fund to pay out pensions within the brackets of insurance payments and donations. 7. In the situation the Pension Fund is now detentions of the pension payments reach a month in some regions. 8. The Prime Minister made a proposal to adopt a law which would give the government the right to make amendments in the rates of present laws. 9. The alternative financial system demanded the existence of the alternative legal system, simply put, the existence of bandits who provide circulation of private money and who are called nonpayments. 10. The government declared that it was ready to decrease a little the direct taxes on condition that the indirect taxes increase. 11. Today public opinion polls show that seven famous politicians have some presidential chances. 12. The time of his fame has gone and now half of citizens declare that they won't vote for him under any circumstances. 13. Watchers usually fix the following law breaches. Apart from ballot boxes full of filled in before-hand papers, there are many ways of ballot-rigging. Here are some of them:
a) "Chain reaction" A party officer gets an official paper blank, marks in it a candidate from his party and gives it to the "bought" voter. The voter puts the filled in paper into the box and gives his own blank paper to the officer, who performs the same operation with it. b) Voting of "absent" Papers received for dead people, those who moved away or don't enjoy the franchise, are posted to the address of a certain trustee who fill in the papers and returns them for the count. c) Damaged machine. Vote machine doesn't protect from fraud. d) "Help" to the voters. It concerns sick or illiterate voters. The worker of the polling station accompanies the voter to the polling booth and there votes for him. e) Invalid votes. In some states a torn ballot papers is invalid. The polling station workers can damage a ballot paper in this or that way.
Miscount. There are many ways of ballot-rigging. At those stations where the miscount is easy they usually detain the report about the final result until the data from other stations are received, after that they add votes needed for winning of "their" candidate.